Second class pyranometer
LP02 is a solar radiation sensor / pyranometer that is applied in most common solar radiation observations. Complying with the second class specifications of the ISO 9060 standard and the WMO Guide, LP02 pyranometer is widely used in (agro-) meteorological applications and for PV system performance monitoring. LP02 is a very good alternative to silicon cell (photodiode-based) pyranometers, which do not comply to the ISO 9060 standard.
LP02 measures the solar radiation received by a plane surface from a 180o field of view angle. This quantity, expressed in W/m2 , is called “hemispherical” solar radiation. LP02 pyranometer can be employed outdoors under the sun, as well as indoors with lamp-based solar simulators. Its orientation depends on the application and may be horizontal, tilted (for plane of array radiation) or inverted (for reflected radiation). Using LP02 is easy. The pyranometer can be connected directly to commonly used data logging systems. The irradiance in W/m2 is calculated by dividing the LP02 output, a small voltage, by the sensitivity. This sensitivity is provided with LP02 on its calibration certificate.
Accuracy |
Incertezza della calibrazione <1.8% (k=2)
Classificazione ISO Second Class
Errore < ± 3 % (-10 to +40 °C)
Input/Output |
Sensibilità 15 μV/ W.m-2 (tipica)
Uscita analog. 30mV (tipica con 2000W)
Environmental |
Temperatura -40 - +80 °C
Grado di protezione IP65
Size & Weight |
85.4 x 59.4 mm
Peso 250g
Warranty |
2 anni
Approvals |
ISO 9060 e 9847
ASTM E824-94